Dermal fillers are a popular treatment for those seeking a fresh and rejuvenated look, providing impressive volume restorative effects. If you’re considering dermal filler treatments and are new to the process, it’s best to know what to expect and do beforehand. To help you out, we at The Salon at Maxy Farm have put together this guide on how to prepare for dermal fillers. Learn all the do’s and don’ts of what to do before and after your treatment just below.

Our advice on how to prepare for dermal fillers

When you visit a dermal filler clinic for the first time, it can be a completely unfamiliar experience. Your clinician will talk you through the procedure and will make you feel comfortable. However, it’s good to know what to expect before you have your treatment, and all of the best aftercare practices once you’ve had it. If you are new to dermal fillers or would like a refresher, continue reading to find all of our best tips on how to prepare for dermal fillers.

What to do before dermal fillers

Before you have fillers, you should take steps to ensure your skin and body are in as good a condition as possible. This way, you will get the best results from your treatment, as well as ensure it is a safe and painless process. We’ve put together some do’s and don’ts for you to follow here:

The do’s

  • Choose a trusted clinician – With aesthetic treatment, the first and most important step is to ensure that your aesthetician will carry out your procedure safely and effectively. They must be able to deal with all possible complications. To do so, you should research aestheticians in your area with a good amount of experience and relevant credentials. Dr Carr MBchB BSc MRCGP DRCOG Assoc FSRH at The Salon at Maxy Farm has been providing aesthetic treatments for 9 years.

  • Schedule a consultation – Before you undertake your dermal filler procedure, you should first book a consultation. It’s important for you to get the answers to any specific questions you have from your aesthetician. It’s equally as important that your aesthetician understands your goals and expectations to provide you with your ideal treatment.

  • Stay hydrated – Ensuring you are drinking plenty of water before your procedure means that the healing process will be more effective and that your fillers will look better too.

The don’ts

  • Avoid blood-thinning medication – Avoid medication that thins your blood, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, warfarin before your procedure, as this will increase the likelihood of bruising. It is important you speak to your GP or Dr Carr to discuss when these medications should be stopped if you take them regularly.

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine – In the days before your treatment, avoid alcohol and caffeine intake as this can dehydrate the body and lead to swelling. Alcohol can also thin the blood and cause bruising.

  • Avoid certain skincare products – Some skincare products can increase your skin’s sensitivity, so are best to avoid before your treatment. These include alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) and retinoids.

  • Avoid smoking – Smoking can disrupt the skin’s natural healing processes, so is recommended to be avoided around the time of your dermal filler procedure.

What to do after dermal fillers

After you’ve had dermal fillers, you will be able to see the volume they’ve created instantaneously. There may be some swelling and discomfort shortly afterwards, though this is a very common occurrence. Dermal fillers have minimal downtime, so any effects you do experience, such as swelling, will likely subside within a few days.

 Read our advice below to find out what you should do after dermal fillers.

The do’s

  • Take pain medication – Taking medications to reduce any pain is perfectly fine, as long as you’re taking ones that don’t interfere with your fillers. Ask your clinician which medications they best recommend. Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen.

  • Use mild skin cleansers – Continuing to avoid the skin products mentioned above, instead keep your skin clean and fresh with mild skin cleansers.

The don’ts

  • Avoid intense physical activity – For the first two days, avoid vigorous exercise or activity, as this will help to minimise bruising and swelling.

  • Avoid hot temperatures and UV exposure – High heat environments such as saunas, hot tubs or warmer holiday locations can lead to worse swelling, so are best to avoid after treatment.

  • Don’t apply makeup – The area in which your dermal fillers are applied will need to heal, so avoiding makeup will allow your skin to do so most effectively.

  • Don’t sleep on your face – Sleeping on your face can worsen the swelling and bruising after fillers.

Get in touch

Now you know all of our best advice on how to prepare for dermal fillers, you’ll be completely prepared for your procedure and fully in the know. If you’re interested in alternative procedures to give you that rejuvenated look, we also provide botox facial treatment and skin booster treatments.

Want to know something else about how to prepare for dermal fillers? If you do, or you have any other questions at all about our salon or treatments, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll get back to you with an answer right away.